September 23 Press Release

Press Release:

September 22, 2021 (Tampa, Florida) – 

USP-Vizient-Angels for Change Publication Reveals Essential Pediatric Oncology Drugs are 90% More Likely to Have a Shortage Event than the Average Generic Drug

In May 2021, Angels for Change, U. S. Pharmacopeia (USP) and Vizient collaborated to characterize and quantify supply chain risk for drugs to improve pediatric oncology access to quality medicines. The result of this collaboration, entitled “Quantifying Drivers of Supply Chain Resilience in Pediatric Oncology Medications,” reveals that essential pediatric oncology drugs are 90% more likely to have a shortage event and take 33% longer to resolve than the average generic drug. 

Laura Bray, Founder and Chief Change Maker of Angels for Change said, “4 out of 5 pediatric cancer patients now survive diagnosis. Survival requires medicines to be delivered in a ‘cocktail’ at very specific timings. Drug shortages disrupt these treatments. In the last 5 years, 74% of the essential pediatric oncology drugs have had a shortage event. It is the most vulnerable patients with the smallest voices who  are being left behind.” Bray’s own child experienced multiple drug shortages during her leukemia treatment.

This collaboration is an important step because it provides a scientifically and statistically substantiated review of the attributes often associated with drug shortages. It reveals the importance of data and transparency across supply chain partners in gaining the visibility necessary to collectively address and alleviate factors that lead to shortages.

The white paper highlights four key findings: 1. injectables with lower price points have more vulnerable supply chains; 2. greater geographic concentration decreases supply chain resilience; 3. drugs with higher manufacturing complexity are more vulnerable to supply disruptions; 4. quality failures increase supply chain vulnerability. 

Improving patient access will require prioritization of essential medicines for vulnerable populations, investment in building manufacturing capacity/inventory of essential drugs, incentivization of quality manufacturing, and sharing of data across all stakeholders. 

The study’s insights were based on the output of the USP Drug Supply Chain Resiliency Model. The USP Medicine Supply Map, which includes data points for 89% of generic national drug codes, is the foundation for this model. Machine learning algorithms were applied based on key attributes and shortage records for 19 essential pediatric oncology drugs. This modeling took into account both supply-side and demand-side factors.

The drug shortage crisis can be alleviated by engaging with stakeholders in different parts of the healthcare system to foster multi-disciplinary approaches. It will ultimately require a global effort to prioritize the eradication of drug shortages. Stakeholders across the healthcare spectrum must dedicate the time and resources necessary to bring about change. It won’t happen overnight, but it can and must happen. Enduring solutions will come from collaboration, just like this one.

“As Vizient continues with our mission to end drug shortages, collaboration with organizations like USP and Angels for Change is critical to identifying and addressing those root causes to drug shortages. Transparency continues to be a key step as we progress forward,” says Steven Lucio, PharmD, BCPS, Sr Principal, Vizient Center for Pharmacy Practice Excellence

“It’s critical to understand the upstream pharmaceutical supply chain when assessing potential drug shortages and strategies to avoid them. Having identified vulnerabilities for essential pediatric oncology drugs in collaboration with Angels for Change and Vizient, collective and decisive action should be taken to protect one of our most vulnerable patient populations,” stated Michael Levy, USP's Senior Vice President, Digital & Innovation. 

Angels for Change is a volunteer-run organization on a mission to end drug shortages through advocacy, awareness, and building a more resilient supply chain. We are passionate about building support and awareness to create solutions that will provide equal drug access to patients in need. Our focus is to advocate on behalf of any patient in a drug shortage and build relationships with patients and members of the pharmaceutical supply chain to end the healthcare crises created by drug shortages. 

Press Contacts: Laura Bray, Angels for Change Chief Changemaker

Diane Masiello, Angels for Change, Communications Director