Founder's Statement

Founder’s Statement

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused many to experience the fears so many parents of pediatric cancer patients feel when drug shortages prevent their children from receiving the life-saving therapies they need. It has also brought the issue of drug shortages into the public consciousness in a way we never could have imagined—or wanted. 

Angels for Change wishes to extend our deepest sympathies to anyone who has lost a loved one to this terrible illness. We also wish to thank all doctors, nurses, medical personnel, researchers, medical suppliers, pharmaceutical companies, and distributors for battling COVID-19 together, tirelessly. We know that each member of the healthcare supply chain has played a critical role.


This cooperation among stakeholders must continue as we work to ensure access to life saving medications and therapies for not only COVID-19 patients, but all those suffering from debilitating or deadly diseases including, of course, pediatric cancer patients.

Working to relieve the pressure points in the medical supply chain seems both more possible and more necessary than ever. To that end, Angels for Change has spent the past few months creating and launching SummitONE. This virtual summit will focus on the Pediatric Oncology Drug Supply Chain as a pilot for broader systemic solutions to ensure access to life-saving drugs.